
Top 5-star hotels in Tashkent


Tashkent is a very Soviet city that has little remaining from its ancient Central Asian past. The city has a mixture of modern new office buildings, hotels, parks, and crumbling Soviet-style apartment blocks.  Over the last few years, the Uzbek government has embarked on a major reconstruction program in the center of the city. Roads, government…

Minimum Wages in Central Asian Countries 2017


When speaking about Central Asian countries, I'm referring to the five former Soviet Union member states - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The total population of these countries is about 70 million. Recommended reading: Population changes in the former Soviet Union, also see: Minimum wages in Central Asia 2013…

Average Salary in Former Soviet Union 2014


Some time ago I did a comparison of minimum government set wages in Former Soviet Union republics. Today, I decided to figure out - what is the average salaries in those republics. I must admit, it was harder to gather data about average salaries, than gathering data for minimum wages. Seems governments are not eager to share such data. So in…

Minimum Wages in the Former Soviet Union: A Look at 2013


The former Soviet Union was a vast region that encompassed a number of countries with distinct cultures, economies, and political systems. In 2013, the region was still recovering from the economic and political upheavals of the previous decades, and minimum wages varied widely across the countries that made up the former Soviet Union. Previously…

Minimum Wages in Central Asia: A Look at the Region's Low Wage Rates


Central Asia is a region that consists of five countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The region has a diverse economy, with industries ranging from agriculture to oil and gas production. However, the issue of minimum wage is one that affects workers across all sectors. Minimum wages in Central Asia vary from…

Population changes in former Soviet Union


15 former Soviet Union republics, then and now. In 1990 in the Soviet Union lived 287.728 million people. In 2012 in the former republics lived 290.587 million people, which is 0.98% increase. A pretty small increase for 22 years.   The thing is, not all former Soviet republics have developed equally in next 22 years, since the collapse of…