Home Remodeling - End Of The Season 2

| Home Remodeling | 4 seen

Wow, that was a ride. In this post I will write down all major tasks we performed during Summer 2016, which was second year since we started to manage and repair our rural property.

Learn more how it all started: Home Remodeling - How It All Starts

Each year, at the start at April we arrive to our house and put a lot work and investment to make this a livable place. In the first year, the major task performed was roof replacement, see: Meet the New Roof (Pictures Before and After)

Season 2 we started with following goals: 

For this years plans - a water supply is a must have, in order to get water here, we need to dug a well at first. We plan to construct a bathroom (for that we will need to change few bearing beams and rebuild from scratch few walls). I believe a lot of effort will be put on territory improvement, one of the things we plan to do on this - to dug our small fish pond a bit bigger)...and plan a really cool outdoor terrace.

The good news - we completed about 85% of initial goals. And yes, there are no bad news. 

We started in Spring with territory cleanup, chimney repair works, trimming trees and branches, planted some plants both in garden and both in wooden boxes. I bought a trimmer and trimmed grass as a madman.

We made a quick repair in second floor's room and made it as a nice guest bedroom

Later a bore hole was drilled and for the first time we had a drinking water. Nex followed pond excavation works and we shaped a really cool, though small, pond.

Pond at the start of October 2016

Pond at the start of October 2016

Yes, we are still waiting water level to rise

A nice rock garden was formed in the front of house

View towards rock garden and house

View towards rock garden and house

In the place a rock garden is built, use to were a huge dump, see: The Big Spring Territory Cleanup

From rock garden we moved to the bathroom and auxiliary room construction works, by replacing old rotten log walls with aac blocks. See: Bathroom, I should mention a lot of force was put on foundation works, which were carried out by my next best friend this summer - a concrete mixer.

Back view of house

Back view of house

On the left side - bathroom, on the right - auxiliary room

Again, I should mention, before actually proceeding with wall replacement works we had to take down a massive chimney inside, see: Taking the Chimney Down.

From the soil left over after foundation digging with shovel and rack I graded it around house, see: Grading Soil Around Foundation

The loft

The loft

Next Summer it's planned to perform some remodeling works here, that will involve changing beams, building a new chimney, adding flooring e.t.c. but that's already story for next Summer.

View towards house from apple orchard

View towards house from apple orchard

We have a lot of apples, I should start to brew something

Pine copice and backyard

Pine coppice and backyard

The central party place, at this area is planned to build an outdoor terrace

View towards house from woods

View towards house from woods