Home Remodeling - Season 2 starts now

| Home Remodeling | 6 seen

Loyal readers of this blog are already familiar with the home renovation and remodeling process which we started a year ago, if not, make sure you check out article - How it all starts.

On April 14, 2016 we made a long and tired journey with our cats to get where we left this process at the end of Summer 2015. I was really glad that I had spent whole winter improving my photographer skills (see digital photography school), so it was just a matter of installing a tripod in meadow and setting my camera to capture HDR images.

There are two major things we did last year - replaced roof and landscaped surrounding territory - the results - looks amazing (if compared how it was a year ago). For this years plans - a water supply is a must have, in order to get water here, we need to dug a well at first. We plan to construct a bathroom (for that we will need to change few bearing beams and rebuild from scratch few walls). I believe a lot of effort will be put on territory improvement, one of the things we plan to do on this - to dug our small fish pond a bit bigger). But for now - take a look, how well Spring around our rural house looks through my camera lens.

Our rural house

Our rural house

There is some junk still in the from of house (old TV's), we plan to remove major junk, before grass have grown up. 

Our small fish pond and surrounding area

Our small fish pond and surrounding area

This autumn we are planing to dug a pond as well, let's see how does it will go.

Dog house and snow drops in front of hour house

Dog house and snow drops in front of hour house

In Spring it's just amazing how lovely it looks here - a snowdrops in front of your house, can things even get better? Speaking of dog house, take a look how I built it last autumn. Good folks (who kept an eye on house during our absence, have even made lovely entrance decor for dog house - curtains (well, it's more to keep house warm). Really good people are living in countryside. 

Back view of house

Back view of house

The major home renovation tasks are performed at this part of house, it's planned to change a few bearing beams, construct new walls, build a bathroom and plan a really cool outdoor terrace.

Pine coppice and our veggie garden

Pine coppice and our veggie garden

Apple orchard

Apple orchard

There is a lot still to do in garden. That Honda CRV in background is our vehicle for 2016. 

View towards house from garden

View towards house from garden

As you can see, there is still a lot to do, to build our dream house, but hey, we are here for another amazing summer.