Blog Online Income Report - December 2014

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Welcome to my twelve blog income report - covering month of December 2014. 

I'm making an income report each month covering earnings I have made solely in internet and in general with my blog.

Those reports keeps me track were I'm, were I was and were I'm heading to. I hope they can inspire some as well.

About online income in December 2014

  • In total my blog and I earned $2,029.67, that's increase by 188.04% if compared to previous month.
  • $2,029.67 makes average $65.47 in a day.

Money I earned in December equals to a minimum wage in Belgium ($2,026.00) or average wage in Spain ($2,018.00). I believe it would be hard to survive in Belgium with minimum wage but I know for sure, that it would be pretty easy to live and travel in Spain.

If compared to country were I'm currently living - Georgia. Money earned in December would equal to 4.5 average salaries in Georgia. Technically speaking - I could take a long rest now (till mid April)

Seriously speaking - December was a Christmas time, and as I believe my earnings were so high thanks to:

  • Black Friday (End of November)
  • Cyber Monday
  • Gifts buying season

Let me explain:

Most of the money I made online I made using Amazon Affiliates. Those of you not familiar what Amazon is - it is a damned good place were to buy online many kind of goods, starting books and ending jewellery. Amazon has it's own affiliate program were associates (affiliates) can join and promote Amazon products,and receive commission for each shipped item. 

The rest of money I made online last month came from Google Adsense and Amazon CPM ADS - combined both of them accounts for about 0.5% from huge pie of $2,029.67.

I have been already many times told - Google Adsense makes pennies, but taking into account that every piece counts - really valuable pennies.

Amazon CPM ADS is something similar to Google Adsense, but instead of paying for clicks, they are paying for impressions. The more impressions you can serve, more you can earn.

You can read more about my first impressions of Amazon CPM ads in my Review.

Following words I said last month (In November report) when forecasted results for this month (December):

Taking into account that holiday season has just started, and I can see data for first 2 days of December (Which already are pretty impressive) I will forecast about $600 in month of December, though I believe it can crack $1000 this month.

Isn't it awesome - I not only cracked $1,000 milestone - I even cracked $2,000 milestone. This leads me to think of another blog post (reaching one year anniversary of blog back in October 2014 and settings goals for second year of bloging):

I have 2 simple goals - first to reach $500 per month, second to reach $1000 per month.

Now, December was second month in a row, when my blog earned more than $500 per month, so I guess it's time to adjust new goals and milestones for 2015.

Speaking of them:

Goals/Forecast for January 2015

Though it has been two great months in a row of passive online income - I'm looking on month of January pretty concerned - I mean holiday season is over - there should come a drop. I will stick with high forecast for myself, but modest for more pro affiliate marketers - January should reach $500.00 (it's 4 times less than I did in December)

I'm not willing to get in self-fooling traps - by forecasting - OK, now I will crack $5,000 milestone in January - simply because: I'm not attracting so much traffic yet and I still see a  potential drop of new purchases - simply of - holiday season is over.