Blog statistics

Blog statistics July 2014


Month of July was really great in terms of website statistics, compared to previous month. My blog traffic experienced 49.43% growth and at the end of month resulted in 2228 unique users. I managed…

Blog statistics June 2014


This month was pretty good if compared with previous months in terms of website statistics. I reached 1491 unique visitors, what is 45.18% increase compared with my blog statistics in May.My blog…

Blog statistics May 2014


Last month I expressed hopes to achieve 1200-1500 users this month, unfortunately my hopes were false. My blog traffic experienced growth, but not as much I hopped for.Compared with month of April,…

Blog statistics April 2014


Month of April was pretty good in terms of organic search traffic. My traffic increased by 80.258% this month compared with previous month. In total making 977 unique visitors.By now I'm getting 32.5…

6 month of blogging each day has passed


I started this blog on October 4th, 2013, and I started my blogging experience with a promise to blog 365 days in a row (including Christmas, New Years day and other) I'm half way there. So I…

Blog statistics March 2014


March was pretty good month in terms of visitors from search engines. My blog managed to attract more than 500 visitors this month.500 is pretty modest result, but still it's growing number, compared…

Blog statistics Januray 2014


4th month since I started blogging thing has passed away. This time I got my first traffic spike, and overall I get out of modest less than 100 visitors month.Speaking of February plans - 300…

Blog statistics December 2013


December was quite a busy month  - I managed to post everyday, but my enthusiasm has gone away.Top 10 blog posts according to Google Analytics:Christmas Charity Fair In TbilisiDrupal views taxonomy…

Blog statistics November 2013


Second month, since I started this blog has passed away. As started on November, I'm sharing results of my blog statistics in month of November.Top 10 posts according to Google Analytics:Estonia to…

First Month Blogging Results: Blog Statistics October 2013


As a new blogger, it's exciting to reflect on the progress made in the first month of blogging. I've put in a lot of effort to create content, and it's interesting to see the results. One of the key…