Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 2 - Applying a subtheme

| Drupal Development | 1 seen

Recently I started a tutorial series - How to build a Drupal site from scratch. In part 1 I'm talking about planing a site. In this tutorial I'm giving a real example for building a tourism companies web site for real customer.

In part we learned that it's a wise to create a content type, which best describe products/services we gonna add (in our example tours).

So I have added few tours to our site:

As you can see from picture above, I'm using default Drupal bartik theme. Now is the right time to change it, and start building our own theme.

For this I'm gonna use Bootrap theme, to serve all files, and sub-theme, to theme for our needs. Whats so special in Bootstrap? It's responsive! 

Lets make a sub-theme from Bootstrap:

  • Download Bootstrap theme
  • Extract it to sites/all/themes folder
  • Download Jquey_update module
  • Extract Jquery_update module to sites/all/modules folder
  • Enable Jquery_update module from modules page
  • Enable Bootstrap theme from site appearance page and set as default theme
Ok, right now, we have enabled default Bootstrap theme, we will need to make a subtheme from it.
  • From Bootsrtap theme folder copy bootstrap_subtheme to your theme root folder
  • Rename bootrap_theme as you like - mycustomtheme, for example
  • Open mycutomtheme folder (we just renamed it), find, rename thi file to
  • Open file in notepad++ or any file editor program
  • Change name from Bootstrap Sub-theme to My Custom Theme
We are done so far. Go to your site appearance folder, and look for My Custom Theme theme, enable it and set as default.
You might see ugly css result, we must enable option to serve Bootstrap files from CDN then, go to admin/appearance/settings/mycustomtheme, and look for Theme CDN settings:
Check next to Use CDN to load in the bootstrap lines. And Save configuration.
Alright, now we have a Drupal site, with content type tours created, a few nodes to start with. And we are ready to move on - to the next part, how to create a views, and beautifully theme them, to make Stand out in our custom theme! 
Stay connected, to discover more.
And if you would like to hire me, for your next Drupal project, feel free to contact me