With this post I'm starting my latest United States travel notes I made back in the Summer of 2013. It has been a while already, but today overlooking some old photos I did find some epic pictures from the United States, and I will start with a quiet and a bit strange small town in New Jersey - Bordentown. Why I'm calling this place a little bit strange? As we learned later - Bordentown is home for Funerals.
If I remember correctly we arrived here from New York's Penn Station by train, actually yes we bought tickets to Trenton (New Jersey), and then in Trenton, we booked a motel in some 10 miles radius, and it turned out to be located in Bordentown. And also turned out that you can reach Bordentown by another smaller train from Trenton, and here we were - a home for funerals. Did we know that prior? Nope, we even didn't know of the existence of such a place.
Few reasons why some (perhaps you) will love Bordentown: They have a great Crabs House - Chickie's and Pete's, a lot of interesting porch's and of course that strange feeling that you have visited a home for funerals. If you are into history you will enjoy the fact that in Bordentown lived the brother of Napoleon Bonaparte - Joseph Bonaparte.
Welcome to the Bordentown:
Trenton Train Station
Author of This Blog Captured in Bordentown
An American Cat
And tell me he/she is not!
Bordentown Home for Funerals
Bordentown Home for Funerals
City name on the barrel
Pretty stadard American style
Cemetery in Bordentown
Econolodge motel in Bordentown
Our motel was located close to this place, actually in a distance of some 2 miles from the center of Bordentown, next to the highway
Porch's in Bordentown
Farm in Bordentown
Pretty standard American landscape
Chickies & Petes Crab House
Our favorite dining place in Bordentown, again located close to our motel.
About Chickies & Petes Crab house - in 1977, Peter and Henrietta Ciarrocchi bought the Robbins Avenue taproom in the Mayfair neighborhood of Philadelphia. Young Pete followed his parents’ example and served the regulars with a smile. He was and still is a friend to all. Growing up Pete ran with both jocks and rockers. He could change minds, influence peers, and even reinvent taste. In 1987 Pete made sure his parents’ legacy lived on. Pete became the face of Chickie’s & Pete’s with the help of his brother, Tom. His charisma, dynamic personality, and great food were enough to bring in the crowds on Sunday to celebrate, jeer, and be Philadelphia. Pete understood the pulse of the city: food, sports, and people.
Porch in Bordentown
Flowers in the barrel
We met a lot of interesting lawns in BordentownDwelling house in Bordentown
Women's Heritage Trail in Bordentown
Street in Bordentown
Memorial in Bordentown
Railway station in Bordentown
From here we headed to Philadelphia, but that's another blog post.
About Bordentown
Bordentown is a city in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city's population was 3,924.
Bordentown is located at the confluence of the Delaware River, Blacks Creek and Crosswicks Creek. The latter is the border between Burlington and Mercer Counties. Bordentown is 5.8 miles (9.3 km) southeast from Trenton and 25.3 miles (40.7 km) northeast of Philadelphia.
Several years after the banishing of his family from France in 1816, arriving under vigilant disguise as the Count de Survilliers, Joseph Bonaparte, former King of Naples and Spain and brother to Napoleon I of France, established his residence in Bordentown. He lived there for 17 years, entertaining guests of great fame such as Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and the future 6th U.S. President, John Quincy Adams. The residents of Bordentown nicknamed the Count, "The Good Mr. Bonaparte" (Good to distinguish him from his younger brother). He built a lake near the mouth of Crosswicks Creek that was about 200 yards wide and half a mile long. On the bluff above it he built a new home, "Point Breeze". The current Divine Word Mission occupies its former site along Park Street.