Drupal 8
Facebook Like & Share Buttons on Drupal 8 using Views
| 4 viewsIn this tutorial you will learn how to setup custom Facebook like & share buttons for Drupal 8 website using views display. No doubt, there are many great modules set and forget configuration. …
How To Add Open Graph Protocol For Drupal 8 Website
| 22 viewsIn today's Drupal tutorial series I will write down my notes, how to add open graph protocol for Drupal 8 website. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social…
How To Setup Web Push Notifications For Drupal 8 (Or Any Other Site) Using OneSignal
| 26 viewsWeb push notifications are hot in 2017, we will see them more in future for sure. I've been using web push notifications for my personal blog and from what I've seen - it's very powerful marketing…
Postfix Send Only SMPT Mail for Drupal 8 on Ubuntu 16.04, Nginx
| 10 viewsIf you have recently installed a fresh Drupal 8 site on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nginx running on it and you are getting Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists notice…
How To Override Drupal 8 Frontpage Title
| 4 viewsRecently I've started a new Drupal 8 website for a personal project tour listings in Georgia. As I've been a core Drupal 7 user since 2011, Drupal 8 involves a new learning curve even for me. In…
Theming Drupal 8: How to Hide Site Name
| 6 viewsI'm starting a new Drupal series - Drupal Tuesday, from now on - every Tuesday, Drupal related articles will be featured on my blog.(at least I hope so) It's not that I wouldn't had any previous…
How To Setup Pretty URL's For Drupal 8
| 7 viewsIt seems just yesterday I wrapped a simple Drupal tutorial on how to enable pretty URL's for Drupal 7 site. Turns out already three years have passed. Time flies, newer versions of Drupal emerges,…
Theming Drupal 8: How To Include the Facebook JavaScript SDK
| 3 viewsThat time have come - and I have started to officially develop my first Drupal 8 site - I won't go into details by comparing Drupal 8 vs Drupal 7 or Drupal 6 (as I think that's a topic for another…
Drupal 8 Configuration for Nginx Server Blocks, Ubuntu 14.04
| 6 viewsAfter a long period of doubts should I start testing and developing with Drupal 8, which stable version is not yet released, yesterday I decided to give a try for a Drupal 8 beta release. I bought a…