Planting Onion Springs and Radishes
| 3 viewsFor the past three years, it has been already a tradition planing some veggies in the garden. For this year's early garden works - planting onion springs and radishes. Planting spring onions…
DIY Open Wooden Compost Bin
| 14 viewsA compost bin is a must-have garden construction at our rural property - fallen leaves and trimmed grass mostly go here. It was on early May 1st, 2017 evening I decided to build an open wooden…
Home Remodeling - Season 3 (2017)
| 3 viewsWe had some great plans for this Summer's home remodeling works, unfortunately, we faced some obstacles, and decided to stop any further home remodeling works for this year. Despite being pretty…
Planting Strawberry Plants In Fall
| 4 viewsIt was at the end of September (2016), when we planted 80 strawberry plants in a field which was prepared few days ago with a tiller. See: Ground Milling With A Tiller Earlier this Summer we planted…
Ground Milling With A Tiller
| 2 viewsDuring the Summer of 2016 we met some new faces, and so back in July we met with a neighbor (Ok, he is actually living some 10 km from our rural house) with a tractor with tiller - I started to ask…
Rock Garden Extended
| 2 viewsIt was at the start of the September (2016) - we were finishing wall replacement works and already had installed first bearing beams, there were still some things left on home remodeling works, but…
The Big Spring Territory Cleanup
| 4 viewsFew days ago I announced start for Season 2 of our home remodeling adventures. We have some really big plans to achieve this year - like getting a water supply and constructing from scratch few walls…