Laptop Reviews

Top 15 Laptops With 24GB RAM Memory - For Better Gaming Experience


Are you looking for a really fast laptop? Super Fast Gaming experience? Consider a 24 GB RAM laptop. 24 GB RAM laptops come with a price attached - to get a brand new one - expect to spend at least…

18 Top Best Selling Asus Laptops in 2017


ASUS laptops continue to be popular in 2017, making up about 20% of best-selling laptop computers on Amazon's TOP 100 best sellers list.  In this article I've listed 18 traditional ASUS laptop…

Top 20 Best Touch Screen Laptops


Are you researching your options for a brand new touchscreen laptop? Look no more, in this article I've listed top 20 best-selling touch screen laptop models on Amazon. Touch screen devices seem…

Top 20 Intel Core i7 processor Laptop / Notebook models


When it comes to power and endurance a fast processor, plenty of RAM and a great graphics card are among the top three to look at. In this article, I have listed the Top 20 laptop models with the  …

The Future of Laptops: What to Expect in the Next 5 Years


Laptops have come a long way since their introduction in the early 1980s. The modern laptop is now thinner, lighter, and more powerful than ever before. In the next 5 years, we can expect to see…

10 Popular Sony Vaio Laptop / Notebook Models To Choose From


I wouldn't call myself the biggest evangelist of Sony laptops, as I believe more popular are ASUS, DELL, HP and other brands, but that doesn't mean Sony doesn't have some powerful laptops to deliver…

Budget-Friendly Laptops: The Top 5 Asus Models for Value and Performance​​​​​​​


Asus is a well-known brand in the laptop industry, and for good reason. Their laptops offer high-quality features and specifications at affordable prices, making them a popular choice for budget-…

Top 5 Drones For Photography For Sale On Amazon


Few months ago during a hiking trip in an amazing Birtvisi Canyon (Republic of Georgia) I first started to "fantasy" about a drone photography. Back then, shortly returning from this trip I started…

Top 10 Best Selling Lenovo Laptops


Lenovo is known for the ThinkPad, IdeaPad, Yoga, and Flex line of notebook computers. A couple of years ago, when looking at Lenovo laptops, I was very skeptical, today I'm calling a laptop from…