MyHeritage DNA test result

| Genealogy | 422 seen

Today I finally received the DNA test result from MyHeritage. The result was quite surprising - I learned I have 56% Baltic, 18.8% Ashkenazi Jewish, 15.85% Balkan, and 8.7% North and West European DNA.

Before the test, I assumed my Baltic (Latvian) heritage will be about 75%, maybe 60%, but seeing 56% left me quite surprised.

Myheritage DNA ancestry

I knew about Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (my grandfather), so no surprise here, the biggest surprise though comes from the 15.8% Balkan ancestry.

Knowing that 18% Ashkenazi Jewish comes from my paternal grandfather I was left wondering, that probably 15% Balkans also comes from one of my paternal grandparents. I was left wondering, from whom then, as I had no idea about Balkan heritage before.

I have my thoughts - thinking either my grandmother (from my father's side) or my great-granmother from my mother's side has Balkan ancestry.

The DNA test revealed a few matches, I was surprised not to see zillions of Jewish relatives here, just a few very distant relatives, which leads me to think that for tracking Jewish ancestry I should use another service, service Jewish persons use.

I found some Latvian relatives and contacted a few, but they were not very interested in talking with me - will see, maybe over time, it will change. 

Additionally, I got my health overview, with a few important warnings about heart diseases, prostate cancer, and type-2 diabetes. Doubles up my healthy food and gym-going routine.

MyHeritage DNA Health Report

Now lets see how many new realtives I will find here over time. and very detrmined to learn more about the Balkan route and continue research about Jewsih anscetry,