DIY - Kitchen Cabinets With a Sink

| DIY | 9 seen

I have always loved to construct and develop some new things, I love to spend my free time by figuring out how to improve space around me, that's why probably for a second season I have been doing home remodeling works by my own. In today's article, not about my adventures from home remodeling, but a simple trick how I improved the temporary living space around me - kitchen cabinets with a sink.

Lets start with what we got here:

Old Kitchen Corner

Old Kitchen Corner

Yup, it sucks, as you can see, it is overloaded with household cleaning products, the old plumbing is just catastrophic (that's how it's done in these parts of Word) and it just urgently needs and upgrade. Luckily the solution is neither expensive nor too much complicated.

For fixing this issue I spent just above EUR 100 (EUR 85 for kitchen cabinets, EUR 33 for sink, and EUR 6 for plumbing gear)

Lets start fixing this

Installing kitchen cabinet

Installing kitchen cabinet

Prior installing this cabinet I removed old sink and old plumbing (make sure you close the water tap before removing plumbing). Cabinets are from local furniture store, and doesn't ask a lot knowledge to install them step by step.

Installing kitchen cabinets

Installing kitchen cabinets

Plumbing works are not yet done. Here we don't have hot water from a tap, the solution? It will sound ridiculous, but much advertised Instant Heating Water Faucet tap from TV shop will do the magic.

Right, now its time to finish the plumbing works, fix the sink over cabinet and install cabinet doors.

The result:

Kitchen cabinets with sink

Kitchen cabinets with sink

Here you go, looks much comfortable - has space to store all those household cleaning products (and not only) looks great and will please for years to come. Operation installing kitchen cabinets with a sink took me about 3 hours to finish.