Harvesting Mushrooms in Georgia

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This Summer we harvested a lot of mushrooms in the deep woods of Latvia, the nation with a strong mushroom culture. This was a good year, look some Slipery Jack even grew in the backyard of our rural house. We made a lot of delicious mushroom sauces and even preserved some (marinated mushrooms).

We returned to Georgia at the start of October, did some trip across the country in the very first five days. See: 5 Days In Georgia Itinerary List - Make Most Of Your Trip and then we agreed with a friend of us, let's have a day trips on Saturday's across the Georgia. (I look back, what we did in Saturday's about a half year ago - we hunted best Tbilisi restaurant breakfast menus, and it seems so lame now)

Without a specific destination, just the free flow. Our first trip happened to be to the very interesting (but less popular) region of Tianeti.

The town of Tianeti is reachable in about 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from Tbilisi. We were already half way there when noticed folks with baskets and buckets bustling in woods. Hmm, we thought - mushrooms. Let's give it a try. We parked our car on the roadside and entered woods of Tianeti.

Our car parked near forest

Our car parked near forest

It was just a matter of crossing the ditch and forest started.

Pine forest in Tianeti

Pine forest in Tianeti

It didn't take us long and we found first forest mushrooms.

First catch

First catch

Now, we visited another forest today (in return way from Tianeti) and in total harvested some basket of eatable forest mushrooms, which we later prepared and made a lovely mushrooms salads. A piece of Life after all!