Secret Tunnel Near Tbilisi Sulfur Bath's

| Tourism objects | 92 seen

Ok, probably this tunnel is not so secret after all.

In fact, I was more than 100% sure that the name of this place is Kolga Tbilisi Photo Tunnel, as I have seen a photo exhibition at this tunnel, but is stubbornly silent on this matter.

Turns out the name for this place is "Leghvtakhevi Tunnel" and the owner of the place is Meidan Group. (see comments)

Kolga Tbilisi Photo organises exhibitions throughout the city, but it doesn't mean that Kolga Tbilisi Photo owns the tunnel, Baratashvili Bridge, galleries and etc.

Located on one level with the river flowing through the Sulfur bath district

Tbilisi sulfur bath district

Tbilisi sulfur bath district

Abanotubani is one of the most attractive neighborhoods in Tbilisi. It's famous for its public sulfur baths, and very spectacular views.

I believe Tbilisi Sulphur bath district is one of the most iconic Tbilisi sights. Personally, I doubt there are many tourists who have not seen Abanotubani (Tbilisi bath district) while visiting Georgian capital

Kolga Tbilisi Photo tunnel

Kolga Tbilisi Photo exhibition at Leghvtakhevi Tunnel

Photo exhibit in tunnel

Photo exhibit in the tunnel

The tunnel is quite interesting and a real hidden gem of Tbilisi. Bypassing tunnel you can reach a small pier with a great view towards Metekhi church.

View towards Metekhi church

View towards Metekhi church

41.688053, 44.811718