Average Monthly Salary in Georgia in 2024
| 856 viewsIn the first quarter of 2024, the average nominal monthly salary in Georgia was 1,943.4 GEL. This figure includes income tax, meaning the net salary (take-home pay) is 20% less.Compared to the same…
27 places, hotels & restaurants in Georgia we discovered in 2022
| 17 viewsIn this article, I've listed 27 awesome places (including hotels and restaurants) to visit in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi, Gori, Bakuriani, Rustavi, Racha i, and more. These are the places I actually…
Eagle canyon in Georgia
| 17 viewsThe bear went over the mountain .. or last weekend we went hiking at the Eagle Canyon near Dedoplistskaro, Shopping at the Dezerteer market in Tbilisi, and exercising at Lisi Lake... another fabulous…
Gori Fortress
| 24 viewsGori Fortress is a medieval citadel in Georgia, situated above the city of Gori on a rocky hill. I've visited Gori several times, and several times have seens this impressive fortress, once I even…
36 Reasons to Visit Georgia and Tbilisi
| 12 viewsIn this article, I've listed 36 awesome places to visit in Georgia, Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, and more. These are the places I've actually visited and discovered for the first (Well most of them)…
The Grand Documentary of 2021
| 11 viewsFrom more than 235 GB of footage (1409 short clips per year), I was able to produce about 48 minutes long documentary. As every year - the documentary is made in a style of a home video, filmed with…
The Grand Documentary of 2020
| 7 viewsFrom more than 111 GB of footage (1295 short clips per year), I was able to produce about 1 hour 30 minutes long documentary As every year - documentary, a home video style, filmed with a DSLR camera…
The Grand Documentary of 2019
| 9 viewsAlmost 38.8 GB (676 clips short clips per year) footage resulted in almost 2 hours of film. (1h 56 m). As every year - documentary cinema - in the style of home video, but we have thought about your…
Eagle Canyon / Gorge
| 33 viewsEagle Canyon also Eagle Gorge or Artsivi Gorge is located close to the town of Dedoplitskaro in Georgia. The natural monument represents a unique complex consisting of two sites. The first one is a…
Big Shiraki Abandoned Soviet Airfield in Georgia
| 263 viewsIf you are into military heritage or have some interest in Soviet history - Big Shiraki airfield in the Georgian dessert (steppe) might be an interesting object to visit in Georgia. I had not a…