Seven Year Blog Anniversary

| Blogging | 7 seen

Today, on October 10th, 2020, the website is celebrating its 7th birthday. Each blog anniversary is a huge milestone for me and the 7th birthday is no exception.

What has started as a simple experiment has turned out to be a successful online business venture!

In the past seven years blog has attracted more than 4.9 million users and generated more than 6.9 million page views.

Blog traffic October 2013 - October 2020 (Data source: Google Analytics)

Blog traffic October 2013 - October 2019 (Data source: Google Analytics)

Topics covered in the blog ranges from raw GDP data for different European countries, to detailed stock and options trading strategies. Also all of our travels have been covered (hotels and restaurants) in about 20 countries in the past 7 years

For the future, I can see that I will keep writing about my travels (in and out Georgia), investments (crypto, peer to peer lending and stocks), and some technical stuff, about Drupal website development, for example.

Reinis Fischer website frontpage as of October 10, 2020

Reinis Fischer website frontage as of October 10, 2020

7 years in a blog writing might sound like a lot, but actually, this is just the start. Let's see where we will get in the next 77 years?!

That said - thank you for being with me, commenting, sharing and liking my articles. You are the best reader I could even imagine.