Six Year Blog Anniversary

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Today, on October 10th, 2019, website is celebrating its 6th birthday. Each blog anniversary is a huge milestone for me and the 6th birthday is no exception.

What has started as a simple experiment has turned out to be a successful online business venture!

It was just yet another Autumn evening when back on October 10, 2013, I registered domain name, and the journey could started.

I started this blog as an experiment - To blog 365 consecutive days and when I launched I was looking to reach about 6,000 monthly users by the end of my first blogging year.

The fact is, after the first year of consecutive blogging I reached just 3,364 monthly users, which was just half of my goal. Now 6 years later I'm reaching an audience of 80,000 and more users monthly. Amazing, though it has been a long road.

Blog traffic October 2013 - October 2019 (Data source: Google Analytics)

Blog traffic October 2013 - October 2019 (Data source: Google Analytics)

In the past six years blog has attracted more than 4 million users and generated more than 5.7 million page views.

For the past six years, I have been writing every single day - that's more than 2190 days not missing an article (Ok, I missed two days back in 2014 actually)  - consecutive writing has been my corner strategy.

Writing an article per day for six consecutive years is not an easy task. That's why I've decided starting now I will limit my writing to just 6 articles per week. It's not an easy task to find a qualitative article for every day. It was around mid-Summer 2019 when I decided if I will be able to pull from the financial markets at least $1,000/mo I will limit my writing to 6 days a week. The goal doesn't stop here, for every additional $1,000 I plan to limit my writing for another day in a week.

For the future, I can see that I will keep writing about my travels (in and out Georgia), investments (crypto, peer to peer lending and stocks), and some technical geek stuff about Drupal website development, for example.

My latest and greatest discovery for the last year has been options trading (puts, calls, iron condors e.t.c) - and content related to financial topics are planned just to increase,