
Aparani Church / Martkopi


Aparani Church of Saint George, Martkopi is located on Vaziani-Martkopi-Norio road, some 30 km from Tbilisi. Our must-go destination for apple twigs around Easter time. Seems this area is nice for some barbeque too. Here is some info I found about this place in Georgian: The single-nave, hall-type church is a late medieval monument. Aparani…

Martkopi Monastery Complex from a Drone flight


Martkopi monastery complex is located some 30km from Tbilisi, Georgia. This place is best reached by car, but some could get here by hiking too, see: Hiking Route in Georgia - Norio Village - Martkopi Monastery Filmed with DJI Mavic Mini on September 23, 2020, Post-production in Adobe Premiere PRO Martkopi monastery complex, located just some…

Hiking Route in Georgia - Norio Village - Martkopi Monastery


Hiking from Norio village to Martkopi monastery is about 10km long distance (forth and back), best done in Spring, Summer, or early Autumn. The route is pretty steep, though covered with asphalt, there are parts of the damaged surface and some agility is needed.  Update: We originally did this hiking path back in 2017. in 2020 there is a new…

Martkopi monastery


Martkopi monastery complex is located some 30km from Tbilisi, Georgia. This place is best reached by car, but some could get here by hiking too, see: Hiking Route in Georgia - Norio Village - Martkopi Monastery We first discovered it the end of February 2017 with one goal - to make stunning photography, as I've seen some really nice shots from…