
Travellers from Poland, Germany and Greece Among Top countries from European Union visiting Georgia - EU From Total Just 4.21%


According to Georgian National Tourism Administration in 2014 there was a total of  5 493 492 international travelers arriving to Georgia, what is a increase of 1.9% compared to previous year (2013) Most of the travelers arrive from following 5 countries - Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia and Ukraine, if counted together international…

First High Speed Railway Launched in Poland


<p>On this lovely 17th December afternoon I decided to add a new blog category to my blog - <a href="http://www.reinisfischer.com/railway">Railway</a>.</p><p>Railway is a transport system I have been interested ever since I can remember my self.&nbsp;</p><p>Railways (<strong>as I like…

EU Member States' GDP: A Closer Look at Europe's Economic Strength and Diversity (2014)


The European Union (EU) is a massive economic force, with a combined GDP that would make it the world's largest economy if it were viewed as a single entity. However, it is important to remember that the EU is made up of 27 independent member states (as of 20213) each have its own unique economic challenges and strengths. In this article, we…

Minimum Wages in European Union 2014


The minimum wage is set by the government as the minimum standard of guaranteed income (hourly/monthly) that a worker should receive for the work he/she performs. In 2014, there were 22 countries out of 28 in European Union, which had their national minimum wages set. 6 countries out of 28 have no minimum wage set by the government at all, but…

Ukraine vs Poland: A Comparison of GDP and Economic Development (2012)


Both Ukraine and Poland have experienced significant changes in their economies since the collapse of the Soviet Union. While both countries were part of the Iron Curtain and had similar population sizes, their economic growth followed different paths. In 1990, Ukraine had a higher GDP and GDP per capita compared to Poland. However, over the…

The State of Ukraine's Economy: A Look Since the Collapse of the Soviet Union


Ukraine, a country once considered as an integral part of the Soviet Union, has had a checkered economic history since its independence. Despite being one of the largest economies in Eastern Europe, Ukraine's GDP per capita has always lagged behind Russia, which has been three-four times better in terms of GDP terms per capita. The recent…