
10K Challenge: Conquering Tbilisi Marathon with Caucasus Translations and Terramatris


On October 1st, 2023 Tbilisi Marathon was held (organized by Heildebergcement and I  participated in running 10 kilometer distance setting my personal record, finishing in 1 hour 10 minutes, and 1 second. After our successful start at Tbilisi Fun Run in early spring, we decided to challenge ourselves one more time and most team members from…

Last chance workout on the trails around Turtle Lake before Tbilisi Marathon


After our successful start at the Tbilisi Adventure run back in April I gathered everyone from the Caucasus Translations office for the Tbilisi Marathon Run in October (2023). This time we applied for a 10K distance. To test my limits I started to train for the 10K run at the gym on a treadmill. Surprisingly my results were quite good, and maybe…

Tbilisi Adventure Run Fun Race with Caucasus Translations Team


On April 23, 2023, we run our first adventure race in Tbilisi through the spectacular mountains close to Mtstasminda Park. The run turned out a bit harder than I expected, but the result still was awesome and everyone from the team finished. I come up with the idea to have custom print T-shirts for every team member at Caucasus Translations I…