
Georgia - Russia Friendship monument near Gudauri


Georgia - the land of many wonders A drone flight around Georgia - Russia Friendship Monument near Gudauri DJI Mavic mini, August 16th, 2020 Music by Scott Holmes - Epic Cinematographic

Top 10 Countries By Proven Natural Gas Reserves


While I was waiting for a draft resolution from a natural gas distributing company listed on the stock market which shares I own, I decided to learn more about the topic - Natural gas, and one of the really interesting subjects to explore - Natural Gas Reserves by country. But before getting straight to the numbers, let's find out more about…

Documentary "The Black August. Default" About Russia's Financial Crisis in 1998


20 years ago, Russia experienced one of the most devastating crises in its recent history — on 17 August 1998 the government defaulted.  Today I watched an interesting documentary in Russian - Черный август. Дефолт, documentary tells about events and causes which led to the default. What really caught my attention was the GKO, or  …

Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument


In fact I had to open a Wikipedia to learn the name of this place, as I mistakenly thought this is just some cool viewing platform located high in the Caucasus mountains, built by Soviets. Turns out it's not only built by Soviets, but bears the name of The Russia–Georgia Friendship Monument Located on the Georgian Military Highway between the ski…

Average Monthly Salary in Former Soviet Union Republics 2016


About two years ago I first compared average monthly salary in Former Soviet Union Republics. Now, two years later, I decided to compare again. I was surprised after seeing results. Let me explain. First - call it as you wish - major world economic crisis, sanctions against Russia, better integrated or worst integrated parts of the World, but…

Projected Future Forecast For GDP In Former Soviet Union Block Countries (2014-2019)


In past I have created many GDP reviews regarding former Soviet Union republics, but have never made future GDP forecast report yet. In this article that's exactly what I'm doing. Now, Soviet Union doesn't exist for more than 25 years already. Those former 15 republics have gone more or less separate way since dissolution of USSR.   There has…

Proposed New High Speed Rail Line - Moscow - Beijing could cost ~$ 230 bln


<p>While <a href="">… are building it's super expensive project Khazar Islands</a> with estimate costs of ~ $100 bln, Russians together with Chinese are looking to build a high speed rail connecting Moscow to Beijing in 33 hours with estimate cost…

Does Turkey is seeking closer ties with Russia and coming Eurasian Union?


More than year a ago I published article Turkey could join Eurasian Union were I tried to compare economy of Turkey by using GDP and GDP per capita for time period 2000-2012.I found that Turkey might reach $1 trillion of GDP by the end of 2016, so did I found that Economy of Turkey has increased for about 3 times (2000-2012)I did used following…

The Impact of EEU Membership on Armenia's Economy


Armenia, a small, landlocked country in the South Caucasus, joined the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in 2015. The EEU is an economic bloc that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia. Joining the EEU marked a significant shift in Armenia's foreign policy and has had major implications for its economy. One of the primary…

Average Salary in Former Soviet Union 2014


Some time ago I did a comparison of minimum government set wages in Former Soviet Union republics. Today, I decided to figure out - what is the average salaries in those republics. I must admit, it was harder to gather data about average salaries, than gathering data for minimum wages. Seems governments are not eager to share such data. So in…