Tsunami Honganji Vihara is a Buddhist Monument in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
We discovered this place at the start of January 2022 while taking a local driver for a trip from our hotel in Bentota to Galle. Our driver told us the tragic story about Tsunami taking more than 35,000 lives in Sri Lanka back in 2004. This place is a memorial to the over 35,000 Sri Lankans killed by the Tsunami on the 26th December 2004

This Buddha statue was opened on the 26th of December 2006 at Paraliya as a memorial to the over 35,000 Sri Lankans killed by the Tsunami on the 26th December 2004. This statue is a exact replica of the 5th Century 175 feet Barmiyan Buddha Statue destroyed by the Muslim Fundamentalists in Afghanistan. This replica was created using the earliest known sketches of the statue.

The statue is a replica of Afghanistan's Bamiyan Buddha, which was destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.
We didn't actually visited the memorial insde, just a quick stop before the Galle town