Blog Monthly Online Income Report - April 2015 - $362.53

Welcome to my monthly blog income report. This is the 16th report so far.

I'm doing those report since start of 2014 and they (reports) help me track my online success or failures. I hope they can inspire you as well. Now, if you are a person reading just titles then I must steal another second or minute of your precious time. The thing is - I made a bit more than just $362.53 but to learn more about that you should continue reading.

About Online income in month of April 2015

In total I earned $733.53 what is a increase of  18.47% if compared to previous month

$733.53 in a month equals to $26.54 per day

So far so good, right?

Although blogging is not my full time profession (Drupal Development is) it makes a pretty decent money for me, so I decided to compare how would my earnings would stand against minimum and average salaries in European Union.

It turns out in April I earned about a minimum wage in Portugal and a bit more than average salary in Latvia

About blog traffic in April 2015

Blog traffic report April 2015

Blog traffic report April 2015 (Data source: Google Analytics)

April was a little bit slower month than March and in total generated 17,865 unique users. I'm pretty satisfied with these numbers so far. In fact I didn't use any promotion last month at all.

About income streams

There were 3 streams which generated some money last month - I prefer to divide them into two subgroups - Affiliate marketing and Display Ads:

Affiliate marketing

Amazon Associates -  $716.08

Display ADs

Amazon CPM - $4.52

Google Adsense - $12.93

About expenses in April

Linode VPS: $60.00

Canon 1200D camera: $311.00

Total: $371.00


I bought a backup service plan for my existing Linode VPS and deployed another test VPS.

I made another investment for my blog by buying my first DSLR camera, you can see first results in Photos section. Actually pretty much of the content I produced last month were photo stories made with that camera. A really good investment. You can read my first impressions of this camera here: First Impressions Of Canon EOS 1200D Camera With 18-55mm Lens. I believe in coming months I will spend some extra on tripods, glasses (lens) and similar things. 

April 2015 VS April 2014

A year ago my blog was just seven months old, back then in April I created my fourth online income report and earned very modest $7.86 (actually I was loosing some $30.00 per month back then, because  I didn't counted expenses in.)

So what has changed a year latter?

My traffic is up from 941 to 17,865 and affiliate marketing is my top earning channel, simple.

Goals/Forecasts for May

I still have this feeling that this spring/summer season I won't crack $1,000 per month milestone. It's hard to tell. I would be happy with anything above $500 next month. But in reality I fear that it could drop somewhere between $250-$400.  I have no plans of  promoting my blog posts this month.