December 2021 Dividend Income Report - $154.65

| Stocks | 29 seen

Welcome to the fifty-sixth (#56) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks in December 2021.

Last December, just like in November, October, and September we spent both in Georgia and Latvia. We had a nice family gathering on Christmas and New Year in Riga. 

Paint job at our Vilgåle Apt

Shortly before the New Yeae I did some paint job at our Vilgåle apt

From the perspective of dividend income - Last December was very good, after a longer time I was able again to break a $100 monthly milestone  

In total, I took $154.65 in dividend income last month. Which is quite awesome, for doing nothing, just holding stakes at great companies (y).

Back in July, I decided to start it over and build a dividend-paying stock portfolio from scratch, I sold all existing positions, kept some cash, and started selling credit spreads to generate income, which is used to buy these stocks. 

An additional $168 was made from options trading

As options trading is not a passive form of making money while you are sleeping it wouldn't be fair to include them in dividend income reports.

Subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about my options trades.

Dividend income in December 2021

From the dividend stocks I got the following income last month:

INTC $4.43
PFE $39.45
DOW $59.50
WBA $20.70
WMB $10.11
ARCC $17.78
BAC $2.68

Total: $154.65

December historically is one of the best dividend months, but also I'm looking to have such great numbers (and increased at the end of every quarter)

Seven dividend stocks paid us dividends last month.

I hope in the next quarterly end month to take some $170 but will see

Monthly dividend income

Monthly dividend income as of December 2021

2021 is not our best year for dividend income, but I'm really looking to return back to normal in 2022/2023

Goals for December 2022

When looking at December 2022, I will be quite optimistic and say USD 220 is what I'm looking at.