3rd Eastern Partnership Business Forum in Riga, Latvia

| Doing Business | 12 seen

On May 21, 2015 3rd Eastern Partnership Business Forum happened in Riga, Latvia. This Business forum was a part of the greater Eastern Partnership summit.

I visited this forum as a representative of Georgia based foreign company Caucasus Translations. Such events like business forums are great for networking, establishing new contacts and ... bragging on my blog. Anyway - this business forum unlike the last one I did took a participation (Read Latvian - Georgian Business Forum) had attracted participants and panellists from way more countries. 

It was interesting experience and interesting information provided by panellists. During the day I met a few of our existing business partners, networked with a few new Georgian business people. 

This event was held at Radisson Blue Hotel Latvia on Elizabetes street. I took my camera and made a few shots here as well:

3rd Eastern Partnership Business forum

3rd Eastern Partnership Business forum

Panelists at 3rd Eastern Partnership Business forum

Panellists at 3rd Eastern Partnership Business forum

And a lovely host - Jacki Davis - an experienced journalist, speaker and moderator of high-level events both in Brussels and in EU national capitals.

From panellists I would like to highlight speaker from Germany Rainer Lindner - who told a lovely phrase both in Russian and English - деньги любят тишину! or Money loves silence! answering on questions about existing political and economical situation in Ukraine.

Lovely seats for panelists

Lovely seats for panellists

Just briefly after the end of the first session

Agenda for Business forum

Agenda for Business forum

It's written in Latvian

Eastern Partnership Business Forum

Eastern Partnership Business Forum

About 3rd Eastern Partnership Business Forum

Organised by the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia and Business Europe, the main goal of this event was to evaluate the achievements of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) initiative from the perspective of business communities and to continue the dialogue on the further development of EaP cooperation, mainly focusing on the promotion of bilateral and multilateral economic relations between the EU and the six Eastern partner countries of the EU – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine also in the context of cooperation with other countries interested in the region.

The Forum covered horizontal and sectoral topics, such as:

  • Eastern Partnership enhancing business prospects in the region;
  • prospects for cooperation across borders in the Eastern European partner countries and beyond
  • Role of the employer and business organizations in promotion of viable business environment and establishment of new business contacts
  • Transport and logistics in cross-border business cooperation
  • Role of banks in access to finance for business development
  • Changing business operations within a growing digital economy
  • Energy resources in business development.

Also, B2B Meetings were held, organised by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA).