August 2020 Dividend Income Report - $171.31

| Stocks | 14 seen

Welcome to the forty (#40) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending in August 2020.

Last August I turned 35, because of the Covid-19 we couldn't travel much and decided to stay in Georgia. At the start of August we headed to the Black sea coastal town Batumi, and then visited the 5-star Paragraph hotel in Shekvetili for a couple of days. August was pretty awesome.

Paragraph Resort & Spa Shekvetili, Autograph Collection Hotel in Georgia

Paragraph Resort & Spa Shekvetili, Autograph Collection Hotel in Georgia

The baby girl attends her pre-school, she is doing great - talking a lot, putting together sentences, mixing languages, figuring out new words. Awesome. Quite fascinating what a two-year-old can do. Development is very rapid. in August she learned to answer on question - What's your name? Daddy's heart is melting.

From the perspective of dividend income -  last July was neither good nor bad, we keep suffering from trimmed dividends, and by the end of the month, we barely took $171.31. Relying on dividends these days is very hard.

Compared to the previous August in 2019, when we almost took $260 in dividend income, our monthly dividend has decreased by -34%  (-$88.27). A year ago we did set a goal to take at least $400 this month, now this didn't happen. 

Luckily, an additional $958.04 was made from options trading.  

As options trading is not a passive form of making money while you are sleeping it wouldn't be fair to include them in dividend income reports.

Check out our options income report here: August 2020 Options Income Report - $958.04

If counted all together (dividends + options) it seems we have made $1,129.35 in total last month.

We were able to generate about 5.63% income yield from our portfolio last August (that's about 67.56% annualized)

One of our monthly goals is to generate at least 2.5% income yield from the portfolio. As longs it's above to it - it's awesome.

Interest income in August 2020

From the stocks and peer to peer lending we got the following income last month:























Total EUR 146.42 / USD 171.31

In total there were 10 companies paying us dividend in August 2020 that is 2 companies less than in August 2019

Monthly income

I've been tracking my journey towards million dollars in a savings account since January 2017. More than three years already. The result, so far, looks quite good. Dividends are growing (even when they are not)

Monthly dividend Income chart as of August 2020

Monthly dividend Income chart as of August 2020

The cumulative earnings for 2020 now are $1,273.04  which is just 35.36% from my goal of 2020 ($3,600). On average, it would ask us to generate $581.74 every month for the next 4 months to reach this goal. Right, now the goal looks unattainable, as for now, I cannot see even a single $200 month for 2020, 

2019 in Review and Financial Goals for 2020

Goals for August 2021

This is my favorite part of these reports - trying to forecast/set goals for the next year. But before setting a goal for 2020, let's see what I forecasted/said a year ago (August 2019)

When setting goals for August 2020 - I will be quite optimistic -  I'm looking to crack $400. I hope to get there with more US monthly and quarterly stocks and also might use dividend capture strategy

Ahh, what a surprise, we didn't get there, not even close. )ur dividend stock portfolio wasn't immune against the market downturn and most of our stocks get trimmed or halted dividend payments. In the case of the recovery, there is hope. I will be optimistic and say we are still looking to crack that $250/mo goal in August 2021