
<p>In this section I keep notes and write&nbsp;extended tutorials on things like configuring Nginx servers, serving Drupal. Upgrading&nbsp;Ubuntu, PHP-FPM, e.t.c.&nbsp;Apache, Jboss, Tomcat and other might pop in this section as well. Basically routine tasks and solved problems I'm facing everyday.&nbsp;</p>

How to Renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate


Free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt certify are issued for a short 3 month term. I first enabled secure HTTPS pages around at start of 2016, and now it's time to renew SSL.  The following…

Let's Encrypt to fix HTTPS Certificate incompatibility with Windows XP and Google Chrome


It was about a month ago - when I successfully installed secure https pages for my blog, I opted for using free certificate provided by Let's Encrypt certificate authority. I first heard Let's…

Linode: How To Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 12.04


Encrypted HTTPS websites are pretty much a hot topic nowadays. I have seen a lot noncommercial websites and blogs using HTTPS protocol lately.  I believe cheap prices for certificates and possible…

Third Traffic Spike: More than 7,500 Daily Users


A huge traffic surge to this website was experienced on November 15 when total unique user count reached 7,732. The vast majority of them were coming from Turkey.  Update: Learn how I got 10,000…

How To Split Large .TSV files and Import to MS Excel or OpenOffice Using EmEditor


In this article you will learn how to split large .tsv (and not only) files so you can import them to MS Office, Open Office or whatever you need using a small and neat (paid) program called EmEditor…

How To Recover Lost Password on Linode Server (SSH, Putty)


Bad things happens time after time, and so did happened to me recently - after a longer pause I resumed work on a customers project, and I faced a problem - I had lost my password for accessing my …

How To Fix "Server has a weak ephemeral Dillie-Heffman public key" For Jboss Server


A few days ago a customer of mine experienced an error by not being able to access his management system on intranet I built a few years ago. The error we got was following: "Server has a weak…

How to Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header Nginx


The other day I visited to test performance for my blog (the one you are currently reading) and I did fine I have a two bottlenecks: Remove query strings from static resources…

World Backup Day: Protect Your Data with a Robust Backup Plan


World Backup Day is an annual event observed on March 31st to raise awareness about the importance of backup and data protection. The day is a reminder that data loss can occur at any time, and…

Nginx redirect domain name to another domain


Redirecting website visitors to a different domain name using Nginx is simple. Add the following code to your server config:  server { server_name; return 302 $scheme://forwarded-…