
Back testing BTC/EXP RSI on Gekko Trading Bot


For the past couple of days, I've been testing Gekko BTC trading bot, executing a few trades running the bot on my laptop, ending to build a VPS to run Gekko trading bot on a cloud. As you can see…

My Experience with Wirex Visa Card (Virtual/Plastic) Convert BTC/Altcoins to USD/EUR or GBP


I first heard about bitcoin Visa cards back in the Summer of 2017, when opted into crypto craze (strong buy and hold here). Back then I discovered Bitpay VISA card and decided to order one at the…

Could Bitcoin Price Reach $30,000 By The End Of 2018?


With Bitcoin price reaching for the first time $10,000 on November 28, 2017 - I keep wondering - could we see Bitcoin double or even triple in value in 2018? According to Coinmarketcap the price for…

Why Bitcoin Price at $7,174.50 ain't no fun, But I'm still buying it?


Bitcoin price has raised above $7,000 mark at the start of November 2017. It might sound like a great deal for the early day bitcoin investors, but for those who are opting in the cryptocurrency game…

Bitcoin Price Increases Altcoin Market Bleeding


For the past couple of weeks, the price for Bitcoin price has soared to all-time height $5,852.48 (October 15, 2017), while it might sound like a great news for bitcoin holders, altcoin market…

Google Spreadsheet To Track BTC/Altcoin Trading on Monthly Basis


Track your altcoin/BTC investment portfolio with Google Spreadsheets Investments in crypto-currencies are among one of the most interesting findings for me this year (2017). I decided to give them a…

Invest in Cryptocurrencies - Review After One Month


Last July was the first full month I opted to invest in crypto currencies, the idea come after a brief conversation with a friend over Facebook, while I was enjoying mild Summer night in Crete,…

Invest in Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum and other) Peer to Peer Lending -


Seems that crypto currencies are a hot thing on this blog during this Summer, though it was just recent, not even a month ago, when I decided to diversify my investment portfolio and allocate up to 5…