Google Analytics

Blog Traffic Report - April 2015 - 17,865 Users


Welcome to the already 19th my blog's traffic report. I'm doing both traffic and online income report at the start of each month, to learn, discover and compare how did it go for the last month.…

Blog Traffic Report - March 2015 - 20,499 Users


Welcome to my monthly blog traffic report, this is the 18 traffic report so far.I'm doing both traffic and income reports to measure were I was, were I am and were I am heading to. Those reports keep…

Blog Traffic Report - February 2015 - 14,579 Users


Welcome to 17 my blog's traffic and statistics report. This time covering month of February 2015.I'm doing monthly traffic and income reports to measure were I was, were I am and were I am heading…

Mobile Devices in Digital Economy: My Case Study with Black Friday and Cyber Monday


Today I red an interesting article on Forbes The Digital Economy Is The New "App Economy"  By Ross Mauri, IBM. According to the annual IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark results, overall online sales…

Blog Traffic Report - November 2014


This is already 14 blog traffic report, this time covering November 2014.In short - November was a month of gainer, it beat all of my expectations.Blog Traffic November 2014 (Data Source: Google…

How To Enable Google Analytics Display Features


Some time ago playing around with my Google Analytics reports, I noticed a tab called Demographics. In fact I have  noticed this tab already in past though this time I decided to enable it (or to…

Blog Traffic Report - August 2014


Month of August was good in terms of my blog traffic. Comparing to previous month (July) my blog's traffic has increased by 15.98% of unique visitors, totalling in 2,584 (2,228 in July).I have…

How I got 10,000 Unique Visitors to My Blog


On August 26th (2014) my Google Analytics account reported a 10,000 unique visitors milestone for my blog ( For me, it was a small victory, and I decided to share with you my…

How To Set Event Based Google Analytics Goals - Amazon Affiliate Links Tracking Example


In this article I will guide you through - how one (perhaps you) can define custom even based goals in Google Analytics reports - and I will give you a real example - how to track Outbound links to…

Blog statistics July 2014


Month of July was really great in terms of website statistics, compared to previous month. My blog traffic experienced 49.43% growth and at the end of month resulted in 2228 unique users. I managed…