
How To Enable PHP Curl Ngnix (Good for Social share counters)


Today I was eager to install and enable really cool Drupal module for my blog - Social Share Counter, this module looked simple - all I had to do, just download, enable and a little bit tweak around…

How to Upgrade PHP 5.3 to 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 12.04 to Support Drupal 8


That day finally have come and I've officially started a new project on my first Drupal 8 website. While my first attempts were about two years ago, but due to the lack of time and will to explore…

LEMP Server Ubuntu 12.04 for serving Drupal on Nginx


In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 12.04 for serving a Drupal site (s). Update: I originally started this post to document my setup for actually configuring Nginx…

How to Renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate


Free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt certify are issued for a short 3 month term. I first enabled secure HTTPS pages around at start of 2016, and now it's time to renew SSL.  The following…

Linode: How To Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 12.04


Encrypted HTTPS websites are pretty much a hot topic nowadays. I have seen a lot noncommercial websites and blogs using HTTPS protocol lately.  I believe cheap prices for certificates and possible…

How to Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header Nginx


The other day I visited to test performance for my blog (the one you are currently reading) and I did fine I have a two bottlenecks: Remove query strings from static resources…

Drupal 8 Configuration for Nginx Server Blocks, Ubuntu 14.04


After a long period of doubts should I start testing and developing with Drupal 8, which stable version is not yet released, yesterday I decided to give a try for a Drupal 8 beta release. I bought a…

Nginx redirect domain name to another domain


Redirecting website visitors to a different domain name using Nginx is simple. Add the following code to your server config:  server { server_name; return 302 $scheme://forwarded-…

How to solve Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large error


If you have ever encountered an error message that says "Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large", you know how frustrating it can be. This error message usually pops up when you try to upload a file…