How To Enable PHP Curl Ngnix (Good for Social share counters)
| 248 viewsToday I was eager to install and enable really cool Drupal module for my blog - Social Share Counter, this module looked simple - all I had to do, just download, enable and a little bit tweak around…
How to Upgrade PHP 5.3 to 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 12.04 to Support Drupal 8
| 9 viewsThat day finally have come and I've officially started a new project on my first Drupal 8 website. While my first attempts were about two years ago, but due to the lack of time and will to explore…
LEMP Server Ubuntu 12.04 for serving Drupal on Nginx
| 5 viewsIn this tutorial you will learn how to setup a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 12.04 for serving a Drupal site (s). Update: I originally started this post to document my setup for actually configuring Nginx…
How to Renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate
| 6 viewsFree SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt certify are issued for a short 3 month term. I first enabled secure HTTPS pages around at start of 2016, and now it's time to renew SSL. The following…
Linode: How To Secure Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 12.04
| 49 viewsEncrypted HTTPS websites are pretty much a hot topic nowadays. I have seen a lot noncommercial websites and blogs using HTTPS protocol lately. I believe cheap prices for certificates and possible…
How to Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header Nginx
| 35 viewsThe other day I visited to test performance for my blog (the one you are currently reading) and I did fine I have a two bottlenecks: Remove query strings from static resources…
Drupal 8 Configuration for Nginx Server Blocks, Ubuntu 14.04
| 6 viewsAfter a long period of doubts should I start testing and developing with Drupal 8, which stable version is not yet released, yesterday I decided to give a try for a Drupal 8 beta release. I bought a…
Nginx redirect domain name to another domain
| 16 viewsRedirecting website visitors to a different domain name using Nginx is simple. Add the following code to your server config: server { server_name; return 302 $scheme://forwarded-…
How to solve Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large error
| 50 viewsIf you have ever encountered an error message that says "Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large", you know how frustrating it can be. This error message usually pops up when you try to upload a file…