June 2021 Dividend Income Report - $128.31

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Welcome to the fifthy (#50) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks in June 2021.

The last June we spent in Georgia and at the end of the month traveled back to Latvia, we did many nice road trips, kept going to the gym and visited swimming pool, English kindergarten for our daughter. Life is very good. I was doing quite a lot of awesome drone videography around both countries, discovered new places both in Georgia and Latvia.

Rundāle palace and garden in Latvia from a drone flightā

From the perspective of dividend income - Last June was surprisingly good. 

In total, we took  $128.31  in dividend income last month. Which is  quite awesome, for doing nothing, just holding stakes at great companies.

Compared to the previous June in 2020, when we took just $82.11 in dividend income,  monthly dividend has increased by +56%  (+$46). A year ago we did set a goal to take at least $300 this month, now this unfortuneltly didn't happen. 

Luckily, an additional $1,223 was made from options trading.  

As options trading is not a passive form of making money while you are sleeping it wouldn't be fair to include them in dividend income reports.

Dividend income in June 2021

From the stocks we got the following income last month:

INTC $50.51
PFE $33.15
USA $22.44
VTRS $9.35
WBA $1.59
WFC $0.08
GOLD $0.31
ARCC $10.88

Total: $128.31

Quite a nice dividend bump from INTC, PFE, USA.. suprsingly but I got also dividend from VTRS and GOLD. Nice.. Now i wont get such high dividend in the next quarter month, because I sold INTC and USA stock. I will miss some $70 in September's dividend income. But I will try to compensate by adding more ARCC and VTRS stock (also some small bits with INTC stock)

Monthly income

I've been tracking my journey towards million dollars in a savings account since January 2017. More than 4 years already. 

Monthly dividend income as of June 2021

The cumulative earnings for 2021 now are $423.05 which is exactly 16.26% from my goal of 2021 ($2,600). On average, it would ask me to generate $362.83 every month for the next 6 months to reach my goal. Right, now this goal looks pretty much impossible

2020 in Review and Financial Goals for 2021

Goals for June 2022

This is my favorite part of the reports - trying to forecast/set goals for the next year. But before setting a goal for 2022, let's see what I forecasted/said a year ago (June 2020)

I will be optimistic and say we are still looking to crack that $300/mo goal in June 2021

Not happened.

Now, when looking at June 2022, I will be quite optimistic and say USD 150 is what I'm looking at.