Juliet's House in Verona, Italy

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As testified by the coat of arms on the internal arch-way of the court-yard, this house belonged to the “Dal Cappello” or “Cappelletti”. The building, dating back to the 13th and renovated in the last century, features the balcony where Romeo promised his beloved Juliet eternal love in Shakespeare’s famous tragedy.

I had a chance to visit World famous Juliet's balcony on January 2nd, 2016 - it was a very rainy and cold day In Verona

Juliet's Balcony in Verona

Juliet's Balcony in Verona

Well - balcony as balcony right? But:

Young couples are still very moved by the right of this house and unmarried people touch Juliet’s statue (a kind of good-luck ritual) in the hope of finding the love of their life. How many hopes and desires has this court-yard witnessed over the ages?

Crowd gathering at Juliet's House

Crowd gathering at Juliet's House

The interior of the house can be visited and you can stand on Juliet’s balcony and re-live the “ high-light” of the earthly life, as well as admire the furniture and the beautiful velvet costumes worn by the actors in the Metro Goldwyn Meyer’s colossal “ Romeo and Juliet”.

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 8,30-19,30 – Monday 13,30-19,30.

Prices: Standard € 6.00 – Reduced € 4.50 (groups minimum 20 persons, students 14-30 years old and over 60) – € 1.00 (Schools and young people 8 - 13 years old ) - € 1.00 the 1° Sunday of the month for everyone (from January to May and from October to December) – Free entrance  with the Verona Card.

See more: Juliet's House