Sioni Water Reservoir (Georgia)

| Lakes | 47 seen

I had never been to this area of Georgia before, the lucky day come and I negotiated with our driver to visit town of Tianeti. It was from Tianeti driver suggested us to visit Sioni lake, or more precisely Sioni water reservoir. In short - another spectacular place to see and visit while in Georgia.

I didn't find much background of this place, thus I'm guessing this is an artificial water lake, built during soviet era, probably in 1950-ties.The dam is built on Iori river .

Anyhow I was here for new impression and for some photography.

.Sioni water reservoir in Georgia

Sioni water reservoir in Georgia
Sioni reservoir gets its feed basically from river Iori. Iori is a river rich with fish. It is a habitat of nearly all kinds of species of fish distributed in Eastern Georgia. There is a lot of fish in Sioni reservoir as well including sazan, common carp, silver carp. Unfortunately, due to uncontrolled fishing of poachers with banned means the number of fishing fauna decreased considerably both in the river and the
reservoir. There are several fishing farms near the reservoir.

Iori river valley next to Sioni water reservoir

Iori river valley next to Sioni water reservoir

Driver told me, the village next to reservoir, named the same - Sioni, is a popular recreational area. I didn't noticed any hotels here, but yes - the place has a great tourism potential.

41.993125, 45.021544