September 2018 Dividend Income Report - $65.33

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Welcome to the seventieth (#17) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in September 2018. 

In case you are wondering why I'm sharing online my earnings - the answer is pretty simple - I like transparency and these reports help me to observe my progress or bounces. Hopefully, my reports can give some inspiration to you as well. (If so, please leave a short comment below) Also, I have a goal to reach one million dollars in my bank account by the time I will turn 60 (27 years still to go). 

Last September turned worst than expected - mostly because I didn't receive two dividend payments, on the other hand, I will receive them in October, which will boost this year October dividend income report.

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links to peer to peer lending website, by clicking on links on this page and by making an investment on, I might earn affiliate income at no cost to you. Also, I'm not a financial advisor and I don't give you any advice, I'm just sharing my own experience. Investments in stocks, funds, bonds or cryptos are risk investments and you could lose some or all of your money. Do your due diligence before investing in any kind of asset. 

Both individuals and entities can invest through Mintos. Individual investors must be at least 18 years old, have a bank account in the European Union or third countries currently considered to have AML/CFT systems equivalent to the EU, and have their identity successfully verified by Mintos. At the moment, US citizens or taxpayers cannot register as investors at Mintos.

Sign up for here. By using my affiliate link for registration both you and I will receive — 1% of our average daily balance which should be paid in 3 installments for the first 90 days.

Interest income in September 2018

From the stocks, peer to peer lending and from cryptocurrency lending on I got following income last month:

Ticker/ Name



















Total: €57.35 / $65.33

In total there were 5 great companies paying me us dividends in September, that's 2 more if compared to the previous September. 

The YoY growth rate for my dividend income in September is 16.25%. That's just USD 8.97  more than a year ago. I'll take it, as long as there is growth. 

Monthly income to the date

The cumulative earnings for 2018 are $1,025.26  which is about 85.44% of my goal for 2018 ($1200)

2017 in Review and Financial Goals for 2018

Monthly Income chart as of September 2018

Monthly Income chart as of September 2018

On the average, I should pull about $58.25 each month for the next 3 months to reach my $1200 goal for 2018. Should be easy.

Goals for September 2019

This is my favorite part of the reports - trying to forecast/set goals for the next year. But before setting goals for September 2019 dividend income, let's see what I forecasted for this September:

A year from now I'm looking for a minimum of $110 dividend income in September 2018.

Wait, for the first time this year, I actually didn't reach my goal. It hurts, but I will take it, sometimes you are not achieving your goals, not a problem. When setting goal/forecast for September 2019 I will take that in an account and will set a more humble $120 goal for next year.