<p>In this section I keep notes and write extended tutorials on things like configuring Nginx servers, serving Drupal. Upgrading Ubuntu, PHP-FPM, e.t.c. Apache, Jboss, Tomcat and other might pop in this section as well. Basically routine tasks and solved problems I'm facing everyday. </p>
World Backup Day: Protect Your Data with a Robust Backup Plan
| 4 viewsWorld Backup Day is an annual event observed on March 31st to raise awareness about the importance of backup and data protection. The day is a reminder that data loss can occur at any time, and…
Nginx redirect domain name to another domain
| 16 viewsRedirecting website visitors to a different domain name using Nginx is simple. Add the following code to your server config: server { server_name; return 302 $scheme://forwarded-…
How to solve Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large error
| 50 viewsIf you have ever encountered an error message that says "Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large", you know how frustrating it can be. This error message usually pops up when you try to upload a file…
How to Install ownCloud on Linode - Ubuntu 14.04
| 8 viewsOwnCloud is a self-hosted, open-source file sharing and cloud storage platform that allows individuals and organizations to store, access, and share files securely from any device. With OwnCloud,…
Redirect non www to www - Apache .htaccess
| 1 viewsIt has been years since I last time used .htaccess file available in Apache. I'm using Ngnix servers for 99.9 of mine work. But today I had an opportunity to work on Apache environment, which uses .…
Nginx URL Redirection: From Non-WWW to WWW
| 30 viewsNginx is a popular web server used to host websites and applications. One of the common tasks in Nginx configuration is redirecting non-www URLs to their www counterparts. This is known as a "www…
Configuring Nginx to Display 404 Page for Unconfigured Domains and Server IP Address
| 19 viewsIn today's digital age, it is crucial for website owners to have a properly configured web server. This not only ensures a smooth and seamless user experience but also protects the website from…
The Power of Nginx: A Comprehensive Guide to Nginx Web Server
| 9 viewsNginx (pronounced "engine x") is a high-performance web server and reverse proxy server. It is a free and open-source software that was first released in 2004. Since then, it has gained a lot of…