Friday Options Expiry: Rolling Trades on BAC, BMY, TRLY & ETH and a Busy Day in Tbilisi
| 39 viewsI usually aim to get my Friday options expiry articles out on time, but this week was a bit different. My Friday was packed, not only in the options market but also in life outside of trading. After…
March 2023 Stock & Crypto Portfolio Update
| 38 viewsAt the end of March 2023, I was managing 3 small investment portfolios. The total value of all portfolios combined was USD 6,466.07 / EUR 5,948.35. One of my short-term goals is to grow portfolios…
How to buy Straddle Options on Crypto (Ethereum & Bitcoin)
| 81 viewsLately, I have been trading 1 DTE options with Ethereum on the Deribit platform. In the past, I have traded quite a lot of Bitcoin and Solana coins (until the November 2022 Crypto Crash) Unlike…
I'm earning $3.19/daily* by trading crypto options and I want more!
| 23 viewsThis is a quick follow-up post to my original idea of experimenting with writing crypto covered calls on Ethereum and Bitcoin, I started at the end of November 2020This is not the first time I'm…
Trading Bitcoin / Ethereum Options (Selling Puts) on Deribit - Part 1
| 42 viewsDeribit is my latest discovery from the crazy crypto world. It all started with simple buy-and-hold operations back in 2017. What followed was, a day trading on Poloniex, I even built a custom…
Entering Negative Value For Ethereum Investment - Crypto Bear Market 2018
| 5 viewsThe cryptocurrency bear market which has started in 2018, has finally hit my humble cryptocurrency portfolio and have vanished all the huge gains I made at the end of 2017. Ethereum (from my…
Learning To Programm Ethereum Smart Contracts
| 3 viewsFrom simple crypto investments (buy & hold), speculative day trades, investments in cloud mining contracts, to building a custom 12 GPU ethereum mining rig. Sound enough? Not for me, it was…
To Mine or Buy Ethereum/Zcash/Monero in 2018
| 37 viewsSince the beginning of the second half of 2017, I call myself a proud crypto investor - currently investing in the 4 major cryptocurrencies - bitcoin, ethreum, litecoin and ripple. Starting July…
Building a 12 GPU Ethereum Mining Rig From Scratch - Part 1: Ordering Details
| 26 viewsI love testing ideas and even more than just testing new ideas I love testing them using Minimum viable product approach. I've been in a crypto craze for a while already - started with buy and…
Invest in Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum and other) Peer to Peer Lending -
| 12 viewsSeems that crypto currencies are a hot thing on this blog during this Summer, though it was just recent, not even a month ago, when I decided to diversify my investment portfolio and allocate up to 5…