Digging a trench around existing foundation - Building a bathroom from scratch - part 4

| Home Remodeling | 6 seen

Here comes another update on building a bathroom from scratch series in project home remodeling. The thing is - the house we got didn't pamper us a lot, and so for example I had to install new supporting beams, not to speak about changing a roof, prior to before ever dreaming about having a bathroom. OK, I had a vision about a bathroom once we replaced roof last year, but to actually feature bathroom, we have to build many new things, among them - completely replace old and rotten wood beams with AAC blocks.

Sealing old foundation is one of the top priorities before building new AAC walls. Today I took the shovel and started digging:

Searching for a basement

Searching for a basement

Another reason I wanted to dig today - we still haven't find the old basement (as I believe old houses like this, must feature a basement). I had a vision a basement could be at the place you can see I have dug off the soil. It turned out there is just a lot old bricks and nothing else. Still strange about those old bricks.

Trench around old foundation and electricity cable

Trench around old foundation and electricity cable

I will ask to the best electrician I know - my dad to re-install this cable about a meter to the left side (it interferes with upcoming wall replacement works)

Missing foundation

Missing foundation

It turned out that at the end of house, there is no foundation at all, for about 2,5 meters. Well that makes things a little bit complicated, as I need to lay down the foundation at this part of the house from a scratch - I will need to dig deeper and more wider here. Should I mention I was really pissed of after such discovery?