Polishing, Painting and some cable works

| Home Remodeling | 6 seen

I spent another day at our Vilgāle apt, today's plan was to polish the ceiling and wall (I yesterday plastered) and add the base layer of paint for the living room and hallway.

In the morning we went to Majai un darzam store in Kuldīga, where I bought a bucket of paint, some plugs, and switches, special screws for drywall, so I can properly install the lamp from IKEA, and the day started.

Polished and repainted kitchen wall

Yesterday I decided to apply more plaster on kitchen wall (under the window) today Ibpolished it and applied freh layer of paint

Polished wall and ceiling in hallway

More paint will be applied here later

First layers of new paint applied

Looks quite light


Now, looks really nice already - like a qualitative rental location

Paint applied

Living area, kitchen and hallway. I hope to trade stocks some day from this apartment


Spent some time, figuring it out, how to connect switch the right way.