In the 'Stocks' category, I share monthly updates on the happenings in our family stock portfolio, offering a glimpse into our investment journey. Additionally, I provide trade ideas and delve into options trading strategies like put selling and covered call writing. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, this category offers practical insights and strategies to help you navigate the stock market with confidence.
May 2019 Dividend Income Report - $216.17
| 9 viewsWelcome to the twenty-fifth (#25) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in May 2019.Summer is finally…
Opted for 3rd Pension Pillar
| 6 viewsOn May 22, 2019, I opted for the 3rd pension pillar at SEB bank Latvia. The main reason to sign up to this voluntary pension pillar is the hefty 20% tax refund once a year for the sums invested* (…
April 2019 Dividend Income Report - $164.24
| 7 viewsWelcome to the twenty-fourth (#24) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in April 2019.Despite Spring…
My 17 Year Old Dividend Portfolio (From Single Nasdaq Baltic Stock)
| 8 viewsThe inspiration for this post came from a Dividend Empire article titled My 33-Year-Old Dividend Growth Portfolio.Also, I would like to mention that a couple of weeks ago I met a fellow Italian…
March 2019 Dividend Income Report - $188.36
| 26 viewsWelcome to the twenty-third (#23) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in March 2019.The last March…
Investment Goal #7 - Selling Puts to Own Stock / Generate Income
| 8 viewsIf 2017 I spent learning a lot about crypto investments, starting a simple buy and hold, swing trading, lending on, and even building a custom Ethereum mining rig. 2018 was more about…
February 2019 Dividend Income Report - $83.25
| 7 viewsWelcome to the twenty-second (#22) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in February 2019. February…
January 2019 Dividend Income Report - $174.71
| 7 viewsWelcome to the twenty-first (#21) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in January 2019. Wow, times…
December 2018 Dividend Income Report - $160.57
| 11 viewsWelcome to the twentieth (#20) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in December 2018. In case you are…
2018 in Review and Financial Goals for 2019
| 7 viewsI'm 33 now and I have a goal to save one million dollars by the time I will turn 60. That's 27 years to go. I've been documenting my journey towards financial independence for the past two years…