Average Salary

Average Monthly Salary in Georgia in 2024


In the first quarter of 2024, the average nominal monthly salary in Georgia was 1,943.4 GEL. This figure includes income tax, meaning the net salary (take-home pay) is 20% less.Compared to the same…

Average Monthly Salary in European Union 2022


In 2022 three were 27 member states in the European Union (EU), and 20 of the 27 EU member states have adopted the euro (€) as their common currency. In this article, I've listed European Union…

Average Monthly Salary in European Union 2020


In 2020 three were 27 member states in the European Union (EU), 19 of the 27 EU member states have adopted the euro (€) as their common currency. In this article, I've compared the gross monthly…

Average Salary in European Union 2018


For the fifth year in a row, I'm publishing my humble observations on average salary changes in the European Union. In this article, I've compared both gross and net average salary for 2018. Update…

Average Salary in European Union 2017


For the fourth year in a row, I'm publishing my humble observations on average salary changes in the European Union. In this article, I've decided to compare average salary in 2017 with 2014. …

Average Salary in Georgia 2016 - $ 389


Average salary in the Republic of Georgia at the end of the second quarter (Q2) of 2016 was GEL 1035.98 equaling about USD 389. For the simplicity of further written and calculated, here is the…

Average Salary in European Union 2016


My previous two articles about average salaries in European Union (EU) member countries turned out to be one of the most popular on the blog so far, I would even call them killer articles.  The…

Average Salary In European Union 2015


My previous post about average salary in European Union for 2014 generated some buzz on social networks (Facebook, Reddit, Twitter) and on other websites, in total it has generated more than 15,000…

Average Salary in European Union 2014


A time ago I measured what is the minimum government set wage in European Union (EU). It turned out - the most minimum wage is received in Luxembourg while the least in Romania. In today's article…

Average Salary in Georgia = $442 in 2013


Today I red an article pointing out about average salary in Georgia. It was interesting finding for me to learn that average salary in Republic of Georgia in 2013 was about $442 or GEL 773.Turns out…