Peer To Peer Lending Review After 9 Month of Investing
| 8 viewsMintos is a Latvian made peer-to-peer lending marketplace operating Globally, it connects investors with borrowers of non-bank lenders. It is an easy and transparent alternative to the traditional…
September 2017 Dividend Income Report - $55.08
| 7 viewsWelcome to the fifth (#5) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in September 2017. If you are new to…
August 2017 Dividend Income Report - $40.43
| 9 viewsWelcome to the fourth (#4) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and crypto currencies) in August 2017. If you are new to…
Review of Peer To Peer Lending Platform After 6 Month of Investing
| 28 viewsI've been investing on peer to peer lending marketplace already 6 months. In today's article, I'll share some of my key findings so far Before continuing, please see Review of Mintos Peer…
June 2017 Dividend Income Report - $53.42
| 7 viewsWelcome to the second (#2) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend paying stocks and peer to peer lending in June 2017. I started my wealth building adventure (portfolio) in…
May 2017 Dividend Income Report - $65.45
| 6 viewsThere are two financial goals I'm looking to achieve. The short term goal is to earn from dividend paying stocks more than $100/mo by February 2018. The long tern goal - to land 1 million dollars in…
Investment Goal #1 - $100/mo from Dividend Payments
| 11 viewsIt has been a while I did set my general goal of saving million dollars before I will turn 60 (there is still plenty of time). The good news I've been on the right track for the past 5 months and I'… Review after 3 month investing in Peer to Peer loans
| 36 viewsApril 21st marked 3 month anniversary since I've been actively investing on marketplace. In today's article I will share some of my key findings on how much some can earn here with little…
Review of Mintos Peer to Peer Lending After One Month of Investing
| 7 viewsEnd of the February 2017, marked one full month since I've been investing to Mintos peer to peer lending platform. In this article I'll share some of my findings. The idea to invest in Mintos…
My Start at Investing on Mintos Peer to Peer Lending Platform: Depositing Funds
| 27 viewsI first heard about peer to peer lending platform at the start of 2016, later that year I decided to give it a try, as I was looking for investment opportunities especially in Georgia.…