
Flights to Mestia from Tbilisi will resume starting July 18th by Service Air


<p>Today I red splendid news on Georgian news - <a href="http://newsgeorgia.ru/economy/20140714/216770339.html&quot; target="_blank">starting July 18Th flights from…

Turtle lake - My working place for today


In summertime it's hot as hell in Tbilisi city - there are two options  - air conditioner or Turtle lake. I prefer second option.  The features of working at Turtle lake - here is a free Wi-Fi…

Tbilisi hostels: 15 hostels in Tbilisi for couples


<p>Tbilisi is a brilliant city. &nbsp;Once heading to Tbilisi you might consider your options for safe and clean home away feeling. In this article I have listed 15 hostels that are suited…

Experienced my first Earth Quake - Tbilisi


Today for the first time in my life I felt tremors of earth quake and it happened in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. Nothing serious, as it's was announced in news - magnitude of this quake was 4.8.…

Summer Solstice in Tbilisi (2014)


There are some nations that celebrate Summer Solstice, most of them located in Eastern Europe. Celebrating Summer Solstice involves having a bonfire. Since in Georgia, nobody celebrates Summer…

Georgian Bus - Great way to travel from Kutaisi to Batumi or Tbilisi


At first, when Kutaisi International airport was built (around 2012/2013) there were few transport options to choose from to get at least to the city center of Kutaisi, as it turns out, the city is…

Exploring Tbilisi and Mtatsminda: A Day of Adventure with My Dad in Georgia


Back in May 2014, my dad came to visit me in Georgia and also celebrate his 60 birtdhay, and we had an amazing time exploring the country. One of our most memorable days was when we went on a walking…

New Wine Festival Tbilisi: Celebrating Georgia's Ancient Winemaking Traditions


Georgia, a country known for its ancient wine-making traditions and distinctive varieties of wine, has been holding the annual New Wine Festival in Tbilisi since 2012. The festival is a celebration…

Experience the Best of Georgia: A Road Trip from Kutaisi to Tbilisi


Georgia is a country that is filled with breathtaking natural landscapes, rich culture, and unique experiences that can be enjoyed by visitors of all ages. From the soaring peaks of the Caucasus…

Time-Lapse: Observing the Thriving Ivy on the Opposite Wall


Have you ever wondered how nature changes over time? One fascinating way to witness this transformation is through time-lapse photography. For three weeks in April 2014, I've been taking photo…