Vilgāle apt update: Window Casing, Drywall ceiling

| Home Remodeling | 8 seen

Now, when the floor is poured in and hardened enough, contractors continued works.

As usual, we spent these days in Jūrmala and communicated with contractors only via phone. I really love it. Next month we are planning to leave for Georgia, and I hope all will keep going as smooth.

The only thing that concerns me - I have a little cash drag now, all funds are almost dried up and new ones are not yet coming in. The biggest problem I have a negative cash balance in the stock market and cannot take out my profit, Hope to solve this in coming months.

Anyhow, here are the latest pics from the renovation project

Kitchen corner

Kitchen corner

In the future, here will be a modern kitchenm area, with cabinets, fridge, oven, dishwasher, sink and of course a nice dinning table, but for now some gaps are filled, windows casing is built and drywall ceiling with rock wool is installed 

Preparing to install drywall wall

Preparing to install drywall wall

here a central heating wood pellet stove will be installed, and storage for wooden pellets will be built. 

Living room

Living room

Now, this looks awesome already

Living room

Living room

The window casing is made. here it is planned a flat-screen TV on the wall and a huge coach

Master bedroom Under construction

Master bedroom Under construction

Almost done here, left is to finish windows casing and wall around it, and some paint job can be started soon

for the next weeks, it's planned to finish installing drywall ceiling and finish window casing

Cost so far:

  • Water plumbing: EUR 60
  • Sadales Tīkls: EUR 60
  • Electrician: EUR 155
  • Architect: EUR 800
  • Removing walls and floor: EUR 775
  • Chalk removing, / wiring: EUR 500
  • Wall plastering/frame for drywall ceiling (bedroom): EUR 875
  • New windows: EUR 1,252 
  • Window replacement: EUR 200
  • Estrich floor with an underfloor heating system and all plumbing: EUR 1,916
  • Rock wool for the ceiling, drywall constructions, drywall, and some wiring: EUR 866

TOTAL: EUR 7,459