Here I share my journey with stocks, options, and real estate, offering insights from building a dividend stock portfolio, trading covered calls for income, and investing in properties for growth
2019 in Review and Financial Goals for 2020
| 7 viewsI'm 34 years old now and I have a goal to save one million dollars by the time I will turn 60. Just 26 years to go. I've been documenting my journey towards financial independence for the last three…
0 DTE SPX Trading Challenge
| 31 viewsI've been trading options since March 2019, I have been trading verticals since September 2019. Option trading is not easy, it can hurt. Money can be made and more money can be lost - been there seen…
How to Setup Charts with Interactive Brokers
| 57 viewsThis is a quick tutorial on how to setup / enable charts in Interactive Brokers to trade stocks, ETFs, indexes e.t.c.For the last couple of months I've been trading 0 DTE SPX, for charting using…
Tesla Stock Project
| 29 viewsIt was on early November 5th, 2019 morning, I was reading an interesting story about a guy buying a Tesla car for his sons 9th birthday, here is the story in brief: What is #TSLA4Tesla project? I…
November 2019 Dividend Income Report - $260.41
| 12 viewsWelcome to the thirty-first (#31) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending in November 2019.Last November we spent a week in Italy and…
My First Iron Condor Trade - Lessons Learned
| 22 viewsThis article has been in the blog's draft section for a couple of months and as it still bears some useful information I decided to publish as it is with little comments at the end.On August 13, 2019…
October 2019 Dividend Income Report - $201.36
| 12 viewsWelcome to the thirty (#30) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending in October 2019.Wow, thirty income reports so far, that's a quite…
September 2019 Dividend Income Report - $260.36
| 12 viewsWelcome to the twenty-ninth (#29) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending in September 2019.Last September we spent in Georgia,…
Income Plan From Dividends and Option Trading Q4 2019 ($1,000/mo)
| 8 viewsI have a plan to make at least $1,000 per month for the next 3 months of the year in dividend income + selling options. Here is the long story short - I've been investing in dividend stocks since…
August 2019 Dividend Income Report - $259.58
| 10 viewsWelcome to the twenty-eight (#28) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks and peer to peer lending in August 2019.Last August, I turned 34. For this years…