Here I share my journey with stocks, options, and real estate, offering insights from building a dividend stock portfolio, trading covered calls for income, and investing in properties for growth
August 2018 Dividend Income Report - $158.41
| 7 viewsWelcome to the sixteenth (#16) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in August 2018. In case you are…
Converting Currency Balances (EUR/USD) Interactive Brokers / Lynx Trader
| 153 viewsA time ago I opened a brokerage account with Lynx Broker, which turns out is affiliated with Interactive Brokers.As I opened my account from Europe, by default my base currency was set to EUR, which…
July 2018 Dividend Income Report - $202.84
| 31 viewsWelcome to the fifteenth (#15) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend-paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) in July 2018. In case you are…
2 Baby Stocks To Have in Portfolio
| 6 viewsBeing a proud father of one little princess, and being an active and growing portfolio investor, in today's stock watchlist series I want to speak about two great "baby stocks" - Kimberly-Clark and…
June 2018 Dividend Income Report - $147.44
| 6 viewsWelcome to the #14 dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from the dividend-paying stocks (Baltic and European) and peer to peer lending (both fiat and cryptocurrencies). Last June…
Confession from a Day Trader. Part 1 Denial - I'm not a Day Trader
| 15 viewsConfessions of a day trader is an interesting term, I first discovered about a year ago - a guy from Norway, living in Riga, contacted me about some issues with doing business in Georgia. That guy…
3 High Yield Paying European/US Dividend Stocks in June
| 15 viewsI'm still on my way of building a million dollar retirement account from scratch by the time I will turn 60 (in 2045). Right now, in June 2018, I've reached just about 1.87% from my goal. My…
May 2018 Dividend Income Report - $140.35
| 11 viewsDisclosure: This article contains affiliate links to peer to peer lending website, by clicking on links on this page and by making an investment on, I might earn affiliate…
Reducing 10% from existing portfolio (Mintos, Baltic stocks & Crytpo) - To quickly accumulate cash for funding US stock purchases on LynxBroker
| 7 viewsI didn't have a plan to reduce my existing holdings, neither from Baltic stocks, Mintos or crypto investments, but in order to keep up with my investment goals - I just have to Long story short - I…
Low Cost European Stock Broker - Review
| 48 is a European (Dutch) discount brokerage offering relatively cheap $5 commissions for US stock trades. is affiliated with Interactive Brokers, and what's really sweet…