Home Remodeling

Painting Floor - Final Touch For Maximum Effect (Second Paint Layer)


Right, we have arrived to the second post in my painting floor adventures from home remodeling series. Today I will show you how after adding second paint layer to our rural house's paint we achieved…

Painting Floor - Adding Base Layer of Paint


After we cleaned up our space from junk, I painted walls and ceilings in white using just a water based paint. Both our future temporary bedroom and kitchen started look decent. Then my father helped…

My Outdoor Working Place During Last Summer (2015)


Owning an old rural house is nice, and it's even nicer if you can both live and work from there. Since I'm into a thing called a digital nomad (place doesn't matter as long as there is an internet…

Replacing Electrical Wiring and Installing Outlets


On June 25th electricity was connected to our old rural house, and that was the next big issue to fix soon. The old electrical wiring was done like some 30-40 years ago and it just wasn't safe.…

Our First Veggie Garden: Planting Plants in Boxes


What would be a real country house without a garden? Right it would be a garden less country house. Although we have some old apple orchard and a few cherry trees there was one thing missing - some…

How to Patch and Plaster Walls in Your Old Rural House


It's one of the construction works I really enjoy - to patch and plaster walls - it doesn't requires a lot of skills and it's a really cheap way to get things done fast. Today I will show you how I…

First Summer Solstice in Our New (Old) House


Last year we celebrated Summer Solstice on our apartments balcony in Tbilisi, this year we did it the right way. After I tried out how it's to move grass with a scythe, then with a trimmer and…

Removing Junk And Adding First Layer of Paint (Kitchen Works)


In my previous article on home remodeling series you already learned how with the help of just a white paint I decided drastically to improve a room which latter might become our bedroom in our rural…

Room One - Wall and Ceiling Painting with Water Based Paint


It took us some time to figure out what do next with our recently inherited rural house which was not in her best shape. After I started my fight with grass, (Lawn moving with scythe and Lawn moving …

First Barbecue Festival in Our Newly Inherited House


While there is a good reason to visit a barbecue festival in Armenia, in this post I will provide some details on the first barbecue festival (OK, it's actually a party) we held in our recently…