Home Remodeling

Gravel for road surface and rock garden


The other day I first met with one of our closet neighbors, he approached me and told me, that in couple of days he will cover road (we are sharing together) with a gravel. I already mentioned it in…

Building a Rock Garden


Today we made a rock garden from scratch, well almost. The thing is - idea to have a rock garden have always been in our minds, but we hadn't yet figured out how to solve the biggest question - rocks…

Building a foundation for a garden oven - Part 1


Idea to have a nice garden pizza oven were sit first already last year, together with the works we started shaping a form of our rural house, we recently inherited. Thus we had to wait for more than…

Pond Digging - Part 3 - The Result


This morning started with a surprise, I was still sleeping, when my partner awakened me and told - pond guys are digging. I was surprised, because I didn't heard a sound. Maybe I was too tired from…

How to drain a pond with a pump and hose - Digging Pond - Part 2


Today I had a chance to excel in pond works - I was left with no choice but to drain the pond. Luckily the pond guys brought an electric pump to make my life much easier.  If you are new to home…

Pond Digging - Part 1


Today come with a huge surprise, we were not on site, when a pond digger called and informed - we are heading toward your house to clean (dig) your pond. The thing is, we negotiated with pond guys…

Summer Solstice 2016


This is already third Summer Solstice featured on this blog, see how two years ago we made a barbeque on our Tbilisi's balcony and how we celebrated our first Summer Solstice in our newly inherited…

Drilling Borehole


That day finally come - a massive vehicle with drilling device arrived and promised that after some 3-4 days - there will be a drinking water just from the soil in our background. We waited for this…

My Summer Office 2016


Finally I have a good working place, a year ago I had to spend my days in front of house, while two years ago I reported very scenic working place - Turtle Lake in Tbilisi.  After several days of…

Taking the Chimney Down


This is a task we had, most probably, to do already a year ago, together with roof replacement, but trust me, last year's summer was one of the hardest, as the new home owners we didn't have much…