Living in Georgia

I have been living in the Republic of Georgia, an amazing country, located in the Southern Caucasus, since April 2011. In this section, you will find articles, illustrated with rich photo and drone footage materials + insider stories, from my experience during my stay here. 

Buying a property in Georgia (Dedoplistskaro)


Dedoplistskaro is a small town in Kakheti, Georgia with a population of about 6,000. Distance to Tbilisi about 130 km, about 2 hour drive.  I first had an idea of buying a house in Dedoplitskaro a…

Eagle canyon in Georgia


The bear went over the mountain .. or last weekend we went hiking at the Eagle Canyon near Dedoplistskaro, Shopping at the Dezerteer market in Tbilisi, and exercising at Lisi Lake... another fabulous…

Tbilisi Airbnb market overview - May 2022


Recently I've been working on the Tbilisi Airbnb property management service and with the help of this article, I decided to take a quick look at the overall Tbilisi Airbnb market. The size, revenue…

Tbilisi Airbnb property managment


Tbilisi ex-pats and locals - I'm launching a new service - Tbilisi Airbnb property management. Whether you are an expat looking for someone that does Airbnb management in Tbilisi? Someone that can…

Sighnaghi & Vazisubani trip


At the start of May, Oskars invited us to visit his new hut in Kakheti. After a few stops at McDonald's, Sighanghi, and Bodbe monastery we finally reached Vazisubani, where we were greeted with…

Notes from Tbilisi: Abandoned Military sites in Latvia / Estonia; Sold VW Touareg car; #2 Bitcoin newsletter


Good afternoon from sunny and hot Tbilisi. The weather was scorching today, reaching +32 Celsius. The morning started with an interesting message to the blog's contact form - an Estonian person was…

Notes from Tbilisi: services our Car, new expats join language courses, PCR test


The morning started with the kiddo having a little fever (temperature 37 C). Decided to leave her at home and observe, as this Friday we have our first school concert. It would be very sad to miss.…

Tsalka lake & Dashbashi canyon with waterfalls


 This time, our destination was the mesmerizing Tsalka Lake and Dashbashi Canyon, where nature's beauty unfolds in every corner. From hyper-lapses over the tranquil lake to an adrenaline-pumping…

Notes from Tbilisi - Crypto Club, Learning Spanish, Could Bitcoin crash $25,000


Yesterday I visited the crypto club event at Local Tbilisi. Met a bunch of smart guys, mostly expats, was fun to watch bitcoin love/hate talks, listened to stories about investing in alt-coins. Been…

Georgian language classes for Expats in Tbilisi


I've been involved in the Georgias ex-pat community for some good time already, a few years ago I helped to launch the Georgian Expat photographer club, and some years later I launched Expats in…