Restaurant reviews

Living in the beautiful Republic of Georgia, nestled in the South Caucasus, I've had the pleasure of exploring many of Tbilisi's vibrant restaurants

In this section, you'll find my reviews of not only Georgian but also international culinary gems, offering a taste of the diverse dining scene in Tbilisi. If you're more into cooking at home, don't miss my food blogger posts where I share my experiences and recipes for preparing delicious meals in your own kitchen.

Azerbaijani Restaurant Agha in Tbilisi


Azerbaijani cuisine restaurant Agha is located near Heroes square (access is from the Circus side) in Tbilisi. After a meal here - I'm already planing my next trip to the land of fire - Azerbaijan.…

Dzin Chao Chinese Restaurant in Tbilisi


Dzin Chao is among my latest discoveries from Tbilisi restaurants. I discovered it after paid a visit to Tbilisi zoo, its actually located just at the front of entrance into Zoo. Now I know at least…

Kiwi Vegan Cafe Tbilisi


Kiwi is a vegan non-profit community cafe located on Vertskli street 41, in Tbilisi Old Town. It is stated that all of their proceedings are donated to good causes related to animal rights. Kiwi …

Karabak Turkish Restaurant in Tbilisi


Karabak is very cool Turkish restaurant located on the busy Queen Tamar Aveneu (Tamar Mephe) in Tbilisi not very far from Tbilisi Railway station. When I first noticed a huge restaurant opening here…

Art Cafe Kamara


Art Cafe Kamara is a social enterprise art cafe which employs rehabilitated persons from different addicts, at least I was told so when first visited this place. Funded by the Swiss Government, this…

Tartine Brasserie - French Restaurant in Tbilisi


Tartine Brasserie is one of the rare places in Tbilisi where brunch is served in weekends. I have been in research for perfect breakfast restaurant in Tbilisi for past couple of weeks already, last…

Chops by the River - Restaurant & Grill


Chops by the River restaurant and grill is now among my favorite Tskenti restaurants, and allow me to say among Tbilisi restaurants as well. Located in village of Tskneti this restaurant offers…

Cafe Laboratory Review in Tbilisi


Cafe Laboratory is located at the top floor at the high end shopping and business center Merani on Rustaveli avenue, Tbilisi.  I was doing some photography in Vere neighborhood, when I received a…

Restaurant Greppia in Verona


It was a very cold, grey and rainy day in Verona, when on the way finding Juliet's Balcony I realized it would be great to find some local restaurant, order some meal and what's important to warm up…

Cafe Cinema in Tbilisi


Cafe Cinema is sharing one building with Carrefour store on the Kolhoznaya square (I know there is a new name for this square, but I never can remember the name). I have been going shopping for…