Georgian lari

August 2017 Dividend Income Report - $40.43


Welcome to the fourth (#4) dividend income report, covering earnings I've made from dividend paying stocks, peer to peer lending (both fiat and crypto currencies) in August 2017. If you are new to…

My Start at Investing on Mintos Peer to Peer Lending Platform: Depositing Funds


I first heard about peer to peer lending platform at the start of 2016, later that year I decided to give it a try, as I was looking for investment opportunities especially in Georgia.…

My February Savings Report - GEL Loses Another 16.5% Against USD; -17% Against EUR


Welcome to my third savings report, today I will look at historical exchange rates of GEL/USD and EUR and compare those with at the end of January (2015) with February 24. I started to save some…

My Savings Report January 2015 - GEL Loses It's Value Against USD For 14% Since September


A time ago, in September 2014, I started to save some money, I was so eager to save money, that I even started a new category on my blog - 'Savings Reports'. 4 months from my first, and yet latest,…